Aside from a few extremists on either end, we're actually a nation with very congruent ideologies. The extreme right thinks Obama isn't a citizen, that he's a socialist, that he has a secret plan to kill off our grandmothers with death panels. The extreme left thinks that Bush and Cheney orchestrated 911 to start a war for oil and so that through the patriot act they could subvert our freedoms.

travelbased 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I wash my face twice a day and I use oil-free makeup. I have tried Neutrogena, Clean and Clear, Proactiv and Biore products along with clay masks, blackhead removing strips, and topical ointmets such as benzoyl peroxide and salicic acid, but I still have tons of blackheads all over my face. I also used the blackhead removing tool, but it just hurts and then the blackheads are back the next day. Before I go spend money on the more expensive products or go to the dermatologist does anyone have any advice on what I can do?

travelbased 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am building on a property with no sewerage. I plan to have a large vegetable garden and orchard, and would need to recycle grey water (and do something with the black water) to water these. Everything that i have researched in terms of water recycling says not to use it on food you want to eat.

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[Travel]一個人的旅行。單人火車票. 一個人的旅行。單人火車票.jpg. 2009年的我抓住夏日的絢爛,達成兩個醞釀已久的夢想。 一是,漫旅西藏半個月:在最接近天空的地方,到訪心靈的故鄉、美景的天堂,這是值得人一輩子至少尋訪一次的地方。 ...

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【HuaLien and YiLan of Travel】Silks Place晶英酒店(3). 這次的出遊,很順利的能住進「晶英酒店」。這家飯店應該算是新的,所以充滿了好奇及新鮮感。 在回宜蘭的路上遇到了塞車,所以進飯店的時間有耽誤了一些些。還好不會太晚,不然就不能玩水了。 ...

travelbased 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I'm planning on getting Photoshop CS4 soon. Right now, I have CS2 and it's full of presets such as styles, gradients, actions, brushes, etc. If I install CS4 and uninstall CS2, will my preset files from CS2 automatically be transported to CS4?

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