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妳或許會擔心,跟男人提到振動按摩器會讓他以為妳嫌他不夠持久,或者讓他誤認妳是變態女怪咖。不過如果你渴望去嘗試一下,請參考一下蘿拉伯蔓的研究:三分之二的女人表示,男人很愛看到她們在房間裡淫蕩的衣著。My Pleasure.com.Plus網站創辦人珊朵加多仕說:「因為這表示女人已經性慾高漲而且需求很強烈了。」大多數的男人對振動按摩器這種東西都會感到緊張,妳先穿火辣一點,然後跟他提出一起試試新玩具,搞不好會成功。



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“謝謝。”她是一個很有禮貌的女孩,也許是職業的緣故吧,因為任何人都可以從她的裝束和她身后拖的那個情趣用品小皮箱看出她的職業——空姐,這是一個對于我這樣普通男人具有相當誘惑力的職業,雖然有人形容她們只不過是服務員而已,只是服務地點的海拔高了一點。   終于有一次再看到她的時候,她不再是一個人,在她的身邊有一個高高大大很帥氣的小伙子,從制服上來看我知道應該和她同屬于高空從業人員。但是具體到底是開飛機的,還是和她一樣是個高空服務員,由于我缺乏“航空知識”,就沒有辦法判斷了。我可以判斷的就是他們倆的關系應該是情侶級別以上,以及就外形來說我和這個男的完全不在一個重量級別之上。











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從粉砂岩陰莖追溯到三萬年,通過蒸汽動力'手',一直到先進的全歌唱,全跳舞玩具,居住在今天的床, 性玩具 已經引起了轟動整個時代。


有證據表明,最早的 陽具 作了這種不舒服的材料如石,木焦油和和 - 遠未保持了秘密 - 慶祝他們在藝術和文化。藝術一些希臘花瓶功能女性沉迷於陰莖輔助自慰,而這些物體顯然作為物質在上演喜劇公元前6世紀。


在當時,這被認為是子宮周圍徘徊身體和籠罩在情趣用品的氣管,造成呼吸困難,而且阻塞子宮造成的緊張狀態 - 事實上這個詞本身是來自希臘的子宮:'hysteros' 。之後意識到要使女性達到情趣用品的手被及時行使,醫生帶來了一台機器做的工作為他們。

到19世紀 80年代初的第一個電池驅動 情趣用品器 已抵達現場,與技術進步,美國公司漢密爾頓海灘得以專利的第一台情趣用品在1902年。這種 新的性玩具 刊登廣告在主流雜誌針對家庭主婦直到他們出現在20世紀 20年代情色意味著上流社會再也不能避免其公開的關聯性活動。


下一個重要里程碑,就在路邊的 兔猖獗情趣用品器 排在1966年,當美國口技特德馬爾凱開始生產和銷售橡膠性玩具。到1976年,馬爾凱製造已售出近500萬陽具,雖然不是每個人都願意歡迎他們融入主流社會。

1973年,通過一項法律,禁止在得克薩斯州出售的陽具 - 這是2008年才廢除,和情趣用品商店被搜查最近於 2007年。 2004年CNN.com 報告 一個母親的三面臨“審判是一個黑穗病商人”後,她被抓銷售性玩具,便衣警察在該州。

2007年,美國最高法院也拒絕聽取挑戰,禁止出售情色玩具在阿拉巴馬州,這是1998年通過。雪莉威廉斯,商店老闆的快樂,對她失望的決定,他說:“我的座右銘是他們將不得不撬這個情趣用品器從我感冒,死手。我拒絕放棄,”USAtoday.com 報告。



安薩默斯 現在庫存的90種不同的玩具,包括性別,當然,世界上最暢銷的性玩具。猖獗的兔子現在擁有 10的變化,最近期的創新針對 G點,提供了現實的逆議案。而且這不只是女性誰是照顧; 男性的性玩具 也越來越受歡迎,與 猴奔馬 最近成為暢銷書。

因此,在性玩具不再是禁忌,它不僅仍然選擇從廣泛你會發現在安薩默斯 - 你什麼花式發癢?

travelbased 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Games have always been an amusing activity, which has been dealt with by lots of human beings all over the world. The internet is now the online field where many people are engaged in playing online games. These games belong to many genres like action games and arcade games and also role playing games. Free online games are considered as a favorite pastime of lots of people.

Your excitement and action thirst can be easily quenched by online games. With use of bright, colorful, and vibrant graphics and superior multimedia support renders the online games popular and far-reaching. The fame of online flash games has gone high these days in view of the fact that they are enormous tools of entertainment.

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GameYeeeah recently carries a new Wii shooting gun - Wii Shooting Gun with Vibration Function at their site, that's really enrich the Wii owners' choices of Wii guns. With the Wii Vibration Gun, Wii gamers' shooting experience is guaranteed to take on a whole other dimension. Simply insert your Nintendo Wii Remote into the Wii Vibration Gun, load up your favorite light gun shooting game, and enjoy hours of fun without tiring out your hands. The Wii Vibration Gun also provide vibration feedback thanks to its built-in vibration motor, so that you can 'feel' the action with every trigger pulled.


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As a newly-designed and unique gun controller of Nintendo Wii, the Wii Shooting Gun with Vibration Function has emerged at GameYeeeah for the first time on Nov. 19, 2009. Price at ?3.99.


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Shooting games are action games and they are considered as great stress reliever! Backup Wii Games Step by Step Guide Click here There is nothing to confuse that what how can the gun work like anti-depressant? Many psychiatrists have now come to the conclusion that people who play shooting games can let out their anger by gunning down the enemies and objects in those action games. There could be a lot of variety in action games to choose from. Shooting games can also be included in the adventure genre of games, but have been labeled separate due to games' extreme popularity.

Giant game consoles such as Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation have contributed making online shooting games as revolutionary change in the world of computer games. Such sophisticated and interactive games assure the entertainment and are proven to be an excellent fun-pack program. Providing innumerable games console to its diehard players, shooting games' software library includes plenty of different action and adventurous games that may or may not contain mission or story.

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Some people like to unwind by listening to music, some like to watch TV, some like to indulge in a little baking, and some like to play in the Arcades.

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Over the past decade or so we?ve seen people playing games over the internet become big business.

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The gaming industry is said to be a multi-billion dollar industry with an even brighter future. No doubt it has its marks well set. All you need are young adults with some defective brain part and a load of unwanted money to get the wheels of fortune running full speed. What do computer games develop, apart from finger dexterity and a soar butt? A hole in the pocket for sure.

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When you watch live action on movie screens, you get excited. Combined with sound effects the action can be a real thrill. Some actions that we watch takes the breath away. How about Action games on computers?

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Many websites on the internet today are dedicated solely to the addiction that is online games. The games cover various topics and are usually free to the web surfer. These games have limited graphics and usually demand from the online gamer very little. Online games usually consist of repeated actions from the player that consist of little mental thought. These online games are the new wave of fun that is sweeping over the internet.

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Everybody loves a good game to get rid of the stresses of the day. After a long day of work, a good game of Scrabble can be a lot of fun, as can a game of Monopoly. If one is not keen to rack one's brains too much, one can also go work up some sweat by playing a game of squash or tennis on the lawn.

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War games is one of the most popular PC game genres due to the fact that players like blowing things up, this behavior is seen not only in war games but in RPGs and shooting games which incorporate weapons. There have been great games that incorporate all of these elements in one nice package such as Battlefield 1942, this game has been released in several formats, one of them being PC.

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People's opinions of computer games and video games differ greatly according to age and demographics. People of an advanced age completely dismiss games as a way of having fun but the great majority actually enjoys playing their favorite games, whether they are space invaders, pacman, chess and even poker, games are part of modern culture, specially in big cities.. And there is no reason why things should be different. Playing a game is relaxing, fun, challenging, educational and can help you fight the effects of stress. Of course, not all computer or video games are suitable for all ages, but since there is not shortage of online pc games, it is virtually impossible for someone not to find a game which fits their tastes.

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Since the introduction of play stations and computers, these games have become the new trend. It is a great medium of relaxation for everyone.

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There has been a lot of talk about how terrible it is for kids to play video games. People buy the games for their children one moment and curse them the next. Yet there are many reasons why playing these games actually help kids to develop.

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Game controller is an input device that is used to control video games.

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Miniclip games are a gaming site based out of London, and was founded in the year of 2000. The website became quite popular with its brand ambassador Miniclip games. These games are very simple and yet catchy. On top of it these are one of the very few interesting free web games, which can catch the fantasy of most gamers and keep them glued to the controls. I am not sure how many people would care to play them

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