HELSINKI, Dec 11 (Reuters) - The world's largest mobile phone maker Nokia is preparing to launch a new music-bundled phone, photos from the firm's website showed on Friday. The 5235 "Comes with Music" model has a touch screen and a two megapixel camera, photos on the site showed. Nokia was not immediately available for comment.
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 18:41
(AFX UK Focus) 2009-12-11 10:39 NOKIA TO LAUNCH 5235 MUSIC BUNDLED PHONE -NOKIA WEBSITE (Interactive Investor)
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 18:16
Air Berlin kündigt neue Routen an - Nur-Flug-Tours
Air Berlin kündigt neue Routen an Nur-Flug-Tours So werden Flüge von Berlin-Tegel nach Göteborg, Helsinki und Oslo von Montag bis Freitag von einer auf zwei tägliche Verbindungen – jeweils morgens und ...
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 17:07
Finnland: Hilfe zur Pflege - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Finnland: Hilfe zur Pflege FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Von Hanna Huhtasaari, Helsinki 11. Dezember 2009 14.30 Uhr, Zeit für den Nachmittagskaffee. Im siebten Stock des Seniorenwohnheims Tilkka in Helsinki ..
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 16:51
Finnair proposes to add Chennai, Bangalore to its radar (
Helsinki, Dec 11 (IANS) With a host of Finnish companies like Nokia having their hubs in Chennai and Bangalore, Nordic carrier Finnair soon proposes to add these two cities to its schedule as part of a larger strategy to expand in Asia, a top official said.
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 16:16
Finnair proposes to add Chennai, Bangalore to its radar (New Kerala)
By Sanjay Singh, Helsinki, Dec 11 : With a host of Finnish companies like Nokia having their hubs in Chennai and Bangalore, Nordic carrier Finnair soon proposes to add these two cities to its schedule as part of a larger strategy to expand in Asia, a top official said.
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 16:11
Obama accepts Nobel War Prize - The Spoof (satire) Obama accepts Nobel War Prize The Spoof (satire) US President Barry O'Bama was in Helsinki today to accept the Nobel War Prize.
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 15:46
Passengers at Helsinki airport get spa on departure - Press Trust of India
SINDH TODAY Passengers at Helsinki airport get spa on departure Press Trust of India Helsinki , Dec 11 (PTI) Spa tourism is a thriving industry in many countries, including India, but passengers at the Helsinki -Vantaa airport can avail of ... Finnair Opens Via Spa at Helsinki -Vantaa Finnair proposes to add Chennai, Bangalore to its radar Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa World Socialist Web Site all 21 news articles »
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 15:18
La Salle, KU have history - KUsports
La Salle, KU have history KUsports In 1952, the Explorers helped open the door for KU to send seven men and an assistant coach to the Olympic Games in Helsinki , Finland. ...
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 14:13
Tag der Offenen Tür im finnischen Präsidentenpalast - Finnland on Line
Tag der Offenen Tür im finnischen Präsidentenpalast Finnland on Line Einen etwas ungewöhnlichen Tag der Offenen Tür gibt es am 12.12.2009 in Helsinki . Vor 90 Jahren wurde in Finnland das Präsidentenamt eingeführt, ...
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 13:28
What Type Of Bicycle Is Best For Pulling Children's Bicycle Stroller?
I just bought a bicycle stroller to pull my toddlers around the neighborhood. I am not sure what kind of bicycle I will be best for this purpose - it will only be used on the streets of the neighborhood.
- Dec 11 Fri 2009 13:25
- travel
travel. 真的好喜歡旅行一個人的時候就連呼吸空氣也覺得好愜意兩個人的時候做什麼事情都變得格外有趣很多人的時候任何一點細小事情豐富生命 小時候就想要環遊世界現在這偉大的夢想也沒變過 一步一腳印自己賺錢自己想辦法自己規劃有時候真的覺得也許因為爸 ...