• Nov 21 Sat 2009 03:13

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Alright, it’s time to break out those pens. Or computers. Photo: TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ We’re ripping out a page from the popular Notes from the Road series over at the Traveler’s Notebook and asking you to take a moment to sketch out something that probably crosses your mind now and again: A Personal Manifesto .

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American's latest sale to European destinations starts at $496 round-trip.

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Virgin Atlantic's latest sale features flights to London from Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, and several other departure cities. Travel is valid this fall, winter, and spring, but book tickets by Thursday, December 3.

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Overall travel will rise, but air travel will drop, as more and more travelers take to the road this Thanksgiving. Is Turkey Day still the big travel day it once was?

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Carey's Dream-travel - 咩咩教學之如何正確騎機車. ... Carey's Dream-travel.

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  • Nov 21 Sat 2009 00:13

travelbased 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Among the several U.S. and Canadian cities offering "Greeters Programs" (free walking tours provided to visitors by public-spirited volunteers), the Chicago program ( www.chicagogreeter.com ) is among the oldest and certainly one of the most eagerly promoted; enthusiastic comments by people who have received these free walking tours are evidence of a well-run program. Now, the program has undergone an expansion -- to include free bicycles and bicycle-riding guides as the way of enjoying such a look at Chicago.

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I'm ⓢⓤⓔ i travel, i learn my dear三忠

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I'm ⓢⓤⓔ i travel, i learn 只是種奢望.

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CYCHIU | Design, Travel, Camera, Yaris wubai.2009 新專輯『詩情搖滾』. CYCHIU | Design, Travel, Camera, Yaris

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Tumi Travel Guides Box Set. 只要是身為袋包品牌似乎就要跟旅行離不開關係,專為商務人士打造袋 包的品牌Tumi也順勢推出城市旅遊手冊,不同的是LV每年只揀擇了一個 城市來介紹,而Tumi則是一次就推出了八個城市,分別是柏林、倫敦、 ...

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非常"破批西" - /travel/台東市立游泳池.

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/travel/台東市立游泳池 · /travel/ 台東‧富光書店 · /travel/ 09/11/7 「台東池上鄉稻穗音樂節-秋收」浪漫奏鳴 · [轉錄] 請容許我問個清楚(王小棣) · /travel/東台灣的幸福-日出及月昇 · /photo/How to Make Money with Your Photos 如何使你的照片 ...

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Ever boarded a plane feeling great, only to arrive at your destination sick as a dog? If you've ever gotten sick on a plane, we want to hear your story.

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