1. Talk to the bicycle race organizers in France and ask them what the heck their vehicle was doing when it hit you.


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Wartsila FY Sales +14%, Sees '10 Pft At Top Of Range Wall Street Journal At 0931 GMT, Wartsila shares were 9.5% higher at EUR32.86, while the broader Helsinki market traded lower. The manufacturer of engines and power generators ... Ship Engine Maker Wartsila Lays off 1400 Globally ABC News Ship engine maker Wartsila lays off 1400 globally BusinessWeek Wartsila to cut jobs, move production to China-UPDATE 2 Forexyard Trading Markets (press release) all 73 news articles »

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Travel with Me 粉紅色的陽光. 【好書共賞】純真遺落。廖玉蕙著。 繁華散盡,文字凝結時間的軌跡。 January 19, 2010

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“All the pathos and irony of leaving one's youth behind is thus implicit in every joyous moment of travel: one knows that the first joy can never be recovered, and the wise traveler learns not to repeat successes but tries new places ...

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﹝Travel﹞旅遊前準備:戰鞋. 彎彎的眼線微揚的嘴角♡ 有一種幸福的味道♡ 淡淡的微笑淺淺的戒痕♡ 有一種甜蜜的味道♡ 我的幸福因你而存在♡ 我的甜蜜有你而延續♡ ◎藏在心底的最想念。想念是會呼吸的痛◎. September 20, 2009 ...

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1. They’re so hard to see.


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[Part 5] 2009 Taiwan Presentation @ Pardubice (Game Time!!!) Posted January 19th, 2010 by Fili. Description: National Evening 我們也設計一個小遊戲,用筷子夾乒乓球,晚會最後還送每位Era smus一個我們自己手工製作的十二生肖書籤,背面寫上他們 ...

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apple:低空飛翔- 【travel】羅東-久屋麗緻. ...

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Travel Picks: Top 10 bicycle-friendly cities. 張貼者: FIXED GEAR GIRL FORM TAIWAN on 1/19/2010. 1

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lohasbf - 曼谷 | 2010-01-19 08:00:00. 鼓勵此網誌:0 推薦這個部落格: 157.

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樂活的大方@用心玩樂學~ - [2009Aug曼谷] 熱鬧值得逛的高山路、買水上市場行程的MAMA TRAVEL.

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1. As soon as I’m off these pain killers......


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ESPN The dark side of a sports icon in Finland ESPN AP HELSINKI -- Matti Nykanen soared like an eagle during the 1980s, winning more medals than any other ski jumper. He was dubbed "The Eagle of the Hills," ...

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