If your kid has an Xbox and they play online you will often here them either yelling at the TV or talking to you about how awesome it is. You will often see your kid wanting to play role playing games or shooting games because they like the action and shooting. If you love to play Halo then you will love to play that type of game online. Your kid probably already plays the game and that's what he has been trying to tell you forever. That's probably all they talk about at the dinner table is online this and online that.
If you have a computer and an internet connection you can play any online game as long as you buy the game so you can make an account. I play Counterstrike and I love it. You just get online and start playing with your friends from the game. You will make friends fast online if you play a decent amount. The more you play the better you will get. Most kids that play computer games online play the most insane hours that you will ever hear. Kids somehow find a way to play more then 50 hours a week. It is in the stats on counterstrike if you were to look.
The other type of games that you might find your students or kids playing is the flash games online. While at school I used to play the flash games after I did my work because I had a computer class and I had computers in some of my other classes. We would get online and look for games that were fun until school was out and we could go get on the real servers and play real online games.
If you have an Xbox or a Sony Play Station then you probably already know about online gaming. All you do is sign up for the service and you play the type of games that are online enabled. You just go to the store where you buy your games from and you pick out the ones if you are playing online. Most online games are games like Gears of War and Halo 3. You can also find games like Call of Duty I think they actually just came out with a new Call of Duty game called Call of Duty - Modern Warfare. I heard it was a good game but I am not sure if it is online enabled. Although I am pretty sure that you play it online because most of the Call of Duty games you can play online. They are pretty fun you usually just go out and start shooting up the other team. There are role playing games and such like that but they don't tend to make them online although they do have a few of them I think like Final Fantasy and games like those. I am not really into the whole anime theme like the fable games and stuff; online gaming is for shooting games in my opinion.
Gregg Hall is an author living with his 18 year old son in Jensen Beach, Florida. Find more about Xbox games as well as online game systems at http://www.nsearch.com
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